How to Connect Using AWS CLI: A Step-by-Step Guide

In today’s cloud-centric world, managing your AWS infrastructure efficiently is paramount. One of the most powerful tools for this purpose is the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI). The AWS CLI is a unified tool to manage your AWS services. With just one tool to download and configure, you can control multiple AWS services from the command line and automate them through scripts. In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of connecting to AWS using the AWS CLI.


Before you begin, ensure you have the following:

  1. AWS Account: You need an active AWS account. If you don’t have one, sign up at AWS Signup.
  2. Access Keys: AWS Access Key ID and Secret Access Key. You can generate these in the AWS Management Console under IAM (Identity and Access Management).

Step 1: Install the AWS CLI

First, you need to install the AWS CLI on your local machine. Follow the instructions for your operating system

Step 2: Configure AWS client

aws configure

Step 3: Enter your credentials.

For example:

aws_access_key_id = AKIA6ODU5DHT3GF5CNMD
aws_secret_access_key = qucDze/DmelME+PzmKRxDMJrqs+9hgswOPAH4rnz
output = json
region = us-east-2

Step 4: Verify Configuration

To verify that your configuration is correct, you can use the following command to list your S3 buckets:

aws s3 ls


The AWS CLI is a powerful tool that can significantly streamline your workflow by allowing you to manage your AWS services from the command line. By following the steps outlined above, you should be able to install, configure, and start using the AWS CLI effectively. Whether you are managing EC2 instances, S3 buckets, or any other AWS service, the AWS CLI provides a convenient and efficient way to interact with AWS.

Feel free to explore the AWS CLI Command Reference for more commands and detailed usage.

Happy cloud computing!